Spirituality is one of St. John's core values. The word "spirituality" itself refers to the nature of our relationship with God, self, and others. Therefore, our worship, education, outreach, and activities serve to support both the individual's journey to God through the power of community. Christian Formation programs for adults are offered at a variety off times throughout the year to provide something for everyone.
- Men’s & Women's Spirituality Groups – These two groups have met intermittently since 2011 and are back on this year. Activities have depended on the interests of lay leaders and have ranged from bowling and dinner out to spiritual drumming to a study of women in the Bible led by an outside clergy member. The contact for the men's group is Tom Minet and for the women's group is Jane Kustin.
- Walking the Labyrinth – For many, the practice of walking the Labyrinth is a helpful exercise in their spiritual journey. The Labyrinth will be available during various times throughout the year including, but not limited to, September 11th, Advent, and Lent.
- Spiritual Retreats – The adults of St. John's enjoy participating in Spiritual Retreats - while this does not happen on a regular schedule, it occurs every 18 months or so. In addition, in June 2013 we had a group of parishioners who participated in a Diocesan mission trip to Panama.